Yesterday Billy and I made "mud glorious mud" (a Billy quote) A.K.A. homemade play dough. It calls for
1 cup of flour
1 package of chocolate pudding
1/2 cup of salt
1/2 cup of hot water
Then you kneed for 5 minutes
It smells really good, like chocolate pudding, and Aaron thought we were making something edible, so Billy calls out, "Daddy, come try our mud, glorious, mud, it's ready."
And before I know it Aaron takes a big ol' whoppin' bite and he yells, "OH, MY GOD THAT'S AWFUL! What did you do wrong." I was laughing so hard I was holding myself up with the counter. Billy was going wild licking it and yelling, "THAT'S TERRIBLE! THAT'S AWFUL" I even had a little bite because Billy wanted us ALL to join in the fun. Really it turned out to be some much needed relief from the tension in the house, the only sad part is that I didn't get any pictures of this crazy incident.
You don't really think I'd call my besties little piggies did you? No way! I just loved this shot of Billy's feet, it makes me think how fast time goes and before I know it he'll be bringing home stinky PE and sports socks and shoes and I'll wonder where did THIS litttle guy go?
And on a totally unrelated note, I am watching Friday Night Lights the movie and Coach Taylor's wife and Buddy Garrity are the same actors. There was a shot of a fan in the crowd and he plays Landry in the show, I know, boring to anyone but me who is so crazy over this TV show. I am about 30 pages away from finishing the book too. So now at least Aaron knows if I'm watching something in our room it will either be Friday Night Lights OR The Office. I can't wait for season 3 to come out, luckily it was bought through Amazon a couple of months before our current situation, it will be like Christmas!
I had to cancel my kit clubs, not a big deal in the scheme of things, because, you know, unfortunately I can't feed Billy scrapbook paper, embellishments and chipboard alphabets but I was a little sad, I felt bad because I'm sure the kit clubs are hurting now too. Aaron says that's why I'd never make a good Blackjack dealer, I'd feel bad for the guy who lost his money and give it back. Oh well, things will get better soon. I told Aaron, just think of all the places you have ever wanted to live in California and look for jobs there, the sky's the limit, right? I went on the computer tonight and in just a quick half hour search found 15 jobs he is more than qualified for. We need to get him a nice "interview outfit" sooner then later and keep our fingers crossed.
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