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Monday, May 18, 2009

Feeling hot hot hot!

Conversation with Billy at 3 1/2
Billy: I like your glasses, they're cute.
Mommy: Thanks, you're sweet.
Billy: Did you get them at Target?

Funny funny boy already loves Target!

Its been hot as heck here and by here I mean the apt. it was 93 inside the house at 3:30. We have the portable air conditioner in the bedroom that kept the room at like 76 but Billy didn't want to stay in the little room, why, I don't know.

We did "an aperiment" to see what was light enough for the fan to blow and what was too heavy. It was hot, I couldn't come up with anything better to do. I think it is supposed to be cooler tomorrow, I HOPE it will be cooler tomorrow!

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