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Saturday, July 29, 2006

This father...

...got on the train going the wrong way tonite.
...gets up with his son in the middle of the night
...sings songs all the time but never the dame one twice, it's hard to remember what you made up the night before!
...gives his son a bath
...rocks the birk's and socks
...tells his son how truely special he is at least once a day, usually more
...won't let his son "just cry it out."
...makes us laugh each and every day
...plays a mean kazoo!
...isn't told enough how much we appriciate him
...will be embarrassed when he sees this!
...wants his son to love music like he does
...tries to teach his son how to crawl (but doesn't get frustrated when Billy has other ideas)
...thinks he is a very lucky man
...was born to be a dad
...is our hero everyday!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sweet darlin'

I just started reading this, about 50 pages into it. Loving it! I just finished this last night, it was so good check it out!

Trying to be good and go backward scrapping the "old" stuff! haha I LOVED this outfit, what a PITA to get him into though!

This went backward, I thought it would start with the page but oh well. I hurt my neck somehow, have a Dr. appt. at 4. Uhhh, it stinks, really hard to lug the 21 pound baby around!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Santa Cruz

Love taking the baby there on Fridays!

We saw Nana Aunt Mil and Aunt Bonnie yesterday! So much fun. We went out to lunch at the San Leandro Marina and Billy was perfect, of course haha. Not much new goin gon just trying to stay cool.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Maybe this will cool ya down! It is over 100 here today, billy is taking his nap in the living room and it's too hot for me to sit in the bedroom do I'm a prisoner, trying to be as stealthy and quiet as possible!

We go to Billy's first Babies and Books class at the library tonite. Can't wait, I think Aaron is going to the first one with him then I will go to the next.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Quick one I did of Billy this morning, I tweaked it a little after I photographed it but battery in camera is charging.

This is from Santa Cruz on Friday, we went to see Eddie Money (said like Eddie Mun-EEEEEE) at their free concert series. It was PACKED we got there a couple hours before the first set and the first two parking lots were sold out already. We got to sit in our normal spot but had to share the table with some crazy stoned ladies. OK we didn't HAVE to but Aaron was in the bathroom and I was too chicken to tell them no!