I'm sick again, GRRRR, this morning Billy got up and covered me with tissues as a blanket HAHAHA I love him sooooooooooo much. I had actually already woken up because aaron was laughing so hard but I pretended to fall back asleep so he could get the picture. I missed lots today, McDonalds play area where a boy spit on billy, if I was there I would have cleaned his clock, no joke. Vasona park, carousel, train, jet plane, creek, falling in the creek, driving home in underwear, playing thomas trains, spinning til you fall down, coloring, tracing and watching alpha and omega.
I on the other hand slept, watched Dexter, slept, read The Lonely Polygamist and slept some more. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Billy told me he'd come check on me in the middle of the night to see if I'm ok. I want to keep him right now forever. I told my mom I want to clone each age and keep them for me to love.
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