He said today as I was laying down the behavior ground rules for going out to dinner, 'Dont worry mommy, I'll be jolly as a rancher' hahaha funny funny kid!
Dr appt today, I love hearing he is normal and doing well. our Dr believes in children learning through play and that by the end of kindergarten they all are in the same spot, I love her, she is so positive and sweet, it makes it fun to go to the Dr. Billy kept asking if he was going to have a shot and finally she said, "Do you want a shot, I bet I could arrange that!' in this super excited voice the answer was a RESOUNDING NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he didn't ask again.
Billy kissed the sweet little girl through the window pane at school, she also carried him to me when she hugged him good bye so funny to see him interact with other kids. I always try to sneak up for a peak and one of the teachers or kids ruin it by yelling Billy your mom is here! DRAT foiled again, maybe I need some of that superhero stealth, maybe the Buzz wings would work for me too!
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