The first time I saw this was at the theater with Aaron when it was released. The only thing I remembered about it was the scene wherethe little boy flings the piano across the room and that Kate Bosworth is as bland as oatmeal.
I really didn't like this movie, it took me three tries to finally get through it this time. Dont get me wrong, I understand why people, perticularly people of the male species would enjoy it. If you're a little boy and getting pick upon or if you're a grown man whos boss is a jerk, working to hard, making not enough money, who wouldn't dream of being all powerful? Who wouldn't want to secretly be able to fight the bad guys and win? Be handsome and likeable and save the day (and the girl)?
But,alas Superman just doesn't do it for me. I thought the film was too long and two boring, remember it took me threetimes to get through? OnceI fell asleep, the other time I walked away and hung out with Aaron and when I came back in the room I couldn't believe it was STILL playing!
The other problem I had was the casting. First things first, I love Parker Posey and I loved her in this role. She was perfect for it. Actually she was the only highlight for me. Oh, and Superman's son was cute and I loved it when hewould use his inhaler. While I like Kevin Spacey this just didn't do anything for me. Superman LOOKED perfect strong chisled jaw Roman nose, classically handsome but, to me, that's where it ended, he was just bland. And speaking of bland can I just type about Kate Bosworth for a second? Forgettable good looks, and more than forgettable acting. She was painful as a go get 'em news reporter, what a joke. Her husband, totally forgettable as well, actually I did almost forget about him.
I didn't care about their love triangle or them saving the earth. Theonly question I really have is why would Superman give more then a passing glance at this Lois Lane?
**** out of 10 stars. Blah....
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