Funny, he picked the boat with his own little nickname! He loves the boats this time, usually he looks a little bored and gets yelled at by the guy running the thing to keep drinking the water!
Look at that sweet face, this is the first time he rode the little whales and he rode this ride about 5 times.
And there's a picrure of those cute little whales! Looks like fun, huh?
And just because last post we were channeling Kimi this time we'll put in a photo where he says, "I look like Stan!" He's even rockin' his Born to be Wild New York shirt!
He's been really into 'scrapping' like me, it's be so fun to do a little bit of art and share my stickers, like a good mom! He's been into drawing lately too. His new 'thing' is drawing Diesel 10's claw, if you don't know who that is you must not have a 3 year old into trains. I'll have to take a picture of the claw or 'grabber'.
I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I wrote, Billy woke up dry, held his pee for 2 freaken' hours without an accident, and FINALLY after telling me his tummy hurt (uh, ya think, 13 hours no pottying) he leaned over, held his feet and went potty! Then he went again after nap, no accidents today! Unbelievable, now if we could just expidite this process and spend less than 1/2 our day in the bathroom. GO BILLY!
Aaron let me have a break night before starting work next week so I hope when I come home I'll here no accidents at all! After the easy release of the 'pa' I am a little suprised at the resistance, except he's a little older and realizes he has a little bit of control over himself.
OK, to end this epic post, Billy and our downstairs neighbor Yasmine together. He is so crazy about her, I love that his is so lightly touching her arm and looking up to her and she is very patient with him while trying to teach him to ride his trike, he's much more motivated with her then with us. And the final photo is one I think is so sweet of Billy with his beachy hair, oversized shirt and serious look.
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