I think that if I had one verb to describe Billy it might be smiley! He sure is, it takes a lot to get that little guy down and I love that he sees the joy in everything. He is such a positive and easygoing little one, lucky us!
some exciting and not-so-exciting advances the not so baby billy is making.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I did something with those June pictures!
I think that if I had one verb to describe Billy it might be smiley! He sure is, it takes a lot to get that little guy down and I love that he sees the joy in everything. He is such a positive and easygoing little one, lucky us!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
New bed!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
And it's over...
Friday, June 26, 2009
I did this because so many people at Barron's party that didn't know Billy went out of their way to tell me what a good boy, sweet boy, well behaved boy ect. ect. I wanted to get that down.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!
to a guy who was put on this earth for if nothing else, then to be a daddy. We love you!
• "My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." -- Clarence Budington Kelland
"Role modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents. Parents are handing life's scripts to their children, scripts that in all likelihood will be acted out for the rest of the children's lives."
-- Stephen R. Covey
"He was all questions. But small boys expect their fathers to be walking lexicons, to do two jobs at once, to give replies as they are working, whether laying stones or building models...digging up a shrub, or planting flower beds...Boys have a right to ask their fathers questions...Fathers are the powers that be, and with their power and might must shelter, guard, and hold and teach and love...All men with sons must learn to do these things...Too soon, too soon, a small son grows and leaves his father's side to test his manhood's wings. "
--Roy Z. Kemp
"Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush; anxious for greater developments and greater wishes and so on; so that children have very little time for their parents; Parents have very little time for each other; and the home begins the disruption of the peace of the world."
-- Mother Teresa
Woo, I must be on a roll....
I love the series of pictures from the Jungle, they make me smile every time I see them, they have been sitting on may desk waiting to have something done to them and Aaron saw them Yesterday and started laughing so I put them on my to do soon list and I like how it turned out. The colors are brighter in real life, not sure why it looks muted but whatever.
A few shots from Barrons first birthday party, Billy is so crazy about him and he couldn't be sweeter. Even with no nap and a cold not one bit of fussin' out of him. He Frankenstein walked over to Billy and hugged him and Shannon was really excited, she said thats the first time he has ever done that. They were holding hands on the trolley too, it really was too cute.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Three New Layouts
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
We Have Success....
This was the toy he chose, I think he thought there were paints in it and not the cars changing colors by the water, oh well, I was really suprised he picked that and then when we got home he kept asking for the paints and it all clicked into place. This was the best of the pictures Aaron got, he looks really depressed in the ones with his new toy :(
Aaron started his new job today, it was a little quiet around here but Billy reassured me, "Domt worry, daddy needs to go to work to make money. It will be OK!" Funny little man
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Little Toot
Funny, he picked the boat with his own little nickname! He loves the boats this time, usually he looks a little bored and gets yelled at by the guy running the thing to keep drinking the water!
Look at that sweet face, this is the first time he rode the little whales and he rode this ride about 5 times.
And there's a picrure of those cute little whales! Looks like fun, huh?
And just because last post we were channeling Kimi this time we'll put in a photo where he says, "I look like Stan!" He's even rockin' his Born to be Wild New York shirt!
He's been really into 'scrapping' like me, it's be so fun to do a little bit of art and share my stickers, like a good mom! He's been into drawing lately too. His new 'thing' is drawing Diesel 10's claw, if you don't know who that is you must not have a 3 year old into trains. I'll have to take a picture of the claw or 'grabber'.
I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I wrote, Billy woke up dry, held his pee for 2 freaken' hours without an accident, and FINALLY after telling me his tummy hurt (uh, ya think, 13 hours no pottying) he leaned over, held his feet and went potty! Then he went again after nap, no accidents today! Unbelievable, now if we could just expidite this process and spend less than 1/2 our day in the bathroom. GO BILLY!
Aaron let me have a break night before starting work next week so I hope when I come home I'll here no accidents at all! After the easy release of the 'pa' I am a little suprised at the resistance, except he's a little older and realizes he has a little bit of control over himself.
OK, to end this epic post, Billy and our downstairs neighbor Yasmine together. He is so crazy about her, I love that his is so lightly touching her arm and looking up to her and she is very patient with him while trying to teach him to ride his trike, he's much more motivated with her then with us. And the final photo is one I think is so sweet of Billy with his beachy hair, oversized shirt and serious look.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Channeling Kimi
The third best part of Santa Cruz, after the water and Pepsi Trucks!
Now it gets fun!
And, lastly, this is the first picture I have seen that Billy looks like Kimi as a baby (or toddler).
Summer has officially started in the Hamilton house, our first trip to Santa Cruz!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Mothers Day, potty, and dancing!
I tried to get a picture of part of our hellatious journey in potty training and all I got was smiles, trust, the other 4 hours were all unhappiness. Aaron put him on the pot first thing 45 minutes and a dry diaper, put his underwear on and as Billy sat on the couch he calls out WET! This happened 4 times today no joke. He told me he would use the potty when he was my age, great.
Dancing to the Gummi Bear song, a good way to end a stressful day. I love the snapping fingers!
Look at those baby blues! What a sweet face, when I see this sweet picture it makes all the frustration worth it.
Look at that handsome guy, I love the haircut (and that he is watching Billy playing with Yasmine!)
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